




通用设施:免费停车场 有可无线上网的公共区域免费 中餐厅 残疾人客房 理发美容中心 前台贵重物品保险柜 电梯 中央空调 行政楼层

活动设施:KTV 棋牌室 桑拿浴室 足浴

服务项目:会议厅 商务中心 送餐服务 专职行李员 行李寄存 叫醒服务 礼宾服务 传真/复印 婚宴服务 24小时前台服务 信用卡结算服务 一次性账单结算服务 部分时段大堂经理 外送洗衣服务

客房设施:免费洗漱用品(6样以上) 免费瓶装水 客房WIFI覆盖免费 国内长途电话 国际长途电话 书桌 24小时热水 电热水壶 迷你吧 小冰箱 浴缸 独立淋浴间 中央空调 有线频道 液晶电视机 电视机 衣柜/衣橱 针线包 220V电压插座 遮光窗帘 手动窗帘 坐卧两用长沙发 床具:毯子或被子 唤醒服务 按摩浴缸 城景 洗浴间电话 沙发 房间内高速上网 淋浴


  上海汇亨新亚大酒店地处浦东新区惠南镇,毗邻上海野生动物园,南临临港新城和洋山深水港,北靠浦东国际机场,交通便捷。   汇亨新亚大酒店层高22层,拥有各类客房,设有大小餐厅36个,可同时接纳1000人就餐。酒店现有名师掌勺的正宗上海菜,又有风味特色的广式粤菜。更有可容纳400人的多功能宴会厅,让您拥有一个干净、温馨、安全的食宿环境。   

房型 床型 早餐 宽带 日均价格 前台付款
酒店点评 更多




I was put up in this serviced apartment for about a month. I would not recommend it to other travellers -- you can get a similar price at a much nicer hotel. The pros: - Good location on Nanjing St, close to Western shopping and a number of businesses - Despite being a smoking hotel, my room and the common areas do not smell of smoke - Strong water pressure in the shower - Washer in-room; there's also a dryer but I'm not convinced the heating element works (after 3 hours my clothes were still cold and damp) - Wired internet included with room (though it maxed out for me at ~65 kbps, and there's no wireless) The cons: - Lots of broken equipment. The TV in my room doesn't work and I was told I couldn't change rooms or have it fixed. The curtains close, but the blinds don't. A coworker staying in another room at the hotel had to *pay* to have the battery in her door lock died (otherwise, the hotel was fine to just not let her be able to access her room) - No soundproofing. Even on floor 23, you can hear honking and street noise very clearly, not to mention conversations in the rooms adjacent to you - No housekeeping. You can leave the "make up my room please" hanger on the door for days and be ignored. After a few days with dirty towels and an overflowing trash can I asked the front desk if I could please have my room made up: "Sorry, housekeeping is very busy, no." - Very limited amenities. Want an iron? That's a few hundred RMB. Want pots to go with your kitchenette? Out of luck. Things like shampoo, fitness club, etc -- forget it, though those are perhaps only expected at a "real" hotel as opposed to a serviced apartment - Calling reception from the room is usually ignored; if you have a question or problem you have to go down to the front desk - Lots of little things are "off" in a way that suggests that staff don't care. e.g., the elevator has a screen that shows the time and date, but the date is incorrect. - Not well set-up for English speakers. The staff have limited English skills, the hotel does not distribute cards with the address that you can show to taxi drivers, etc. The English instructions on how to set up the wired internet are Google-translate versions of the literal Chinese Windows menu prompts -- and so don't correspond to the English menu prompts and may be incomprehensible to non-techies.


2017-01-16 20:33:36
