简介: 武汉会议中心占地70余亩,现代园林风格。树林错落其间,环境清幽雅静,鸟语花香,被誉为“闹市中的绿洲”。武汉会议中心建筑面积57500平方米,拥有各式客房70余套,风格多样,特别是1号别墅,曾经接待过毛主席,现别墅内全部配备酒店高档护理用品,让您体味格调与品位,营造一个完美舒适的空间。另设有各类会议室23个,餐饮面积共计5000平米。我们的目的是:“打造最具武汉特色的公务酒店”。
Wuhan conference center covers an area around 70 acres, modern garden style, surrounded by a tranquil and green environment, known as "Oasis in the downtown". It has construction area of 57,500 square meters, with more than 70 sets various types of rooms and 23 meeting rooms of different types. Especially the 1st villa, once received chairman Mao, now all equipped with hotel villa high-grade care products, let you appreciate the style and taste, create a perfect and comfortable space for you. The dining area is totaling 5,000 square meters. Our aim is to become the most distinctive official hotel in Wuhan.