



我要在上海找一家酒店可以住6个月的,所以在世纪时空酒店式公寓住了1个月。我想要一间屋顶式房间,在阁楼上的那种。订了房,但是到了酒店后却被告知房间是100平米的,而不是广告上写的130平米(真是中式作风)。 酒店前台在13层一个很乱很小的区域,你摁了铃后酒店服务员就会带着很呆滞的眼神出现在你面前。 下面来说一下酒店房间吧。 客厅和厨房区域还不错。但是家具是很劣质的中国货(在相片里看起来不错,但其实质量很差)。椅子又小又矮,茶几很低而且不稳。网络连接要等到猴年马月才能连接上,而且网线足足有20米长,你得费很大力气把它从供电箱一样的连接盒里拔出来再插上你自己的网线。厨房区域很小,只有很少的灶具和一个微波炉。楼下的厕所还可以(不知道为什么楼下要设一个厕所,因为楼上有一个完整的浴室)。从房间看到的风景也一般,主要看到的都是施工现场。冷气不是很足,所以开了和没开一样(在中国很普遍)。不过沙发很舒服。客厅还好,有很现代的国产电视和DVD机。 通向阁楼的金属制和木质楼梯有点摇晃,而且有一部分被修过,感觉不怎么安全。 楼上的床很小,有很薄的床垫和鸭绒垫,还有2个很小的平平的枕头。地板也吱吱嘎嘎的响。电视很现代,但是空调和下面的一样没起什么作用。床上面的天花板低极了,站起来都不能站直,即使是站在地板上腰也直不起来。 楼上的浴室糟极了,有些昏暗肮脏,而且有发霉的味儿。淋浴只有凉水,水槽裂了而且只有热水,水龙头很松,几乎要掉下来,洗手台没有栓子而使用钢丝网代替(貌似是要把那些吓人的爬行动物吓走),浴缸上方的淋浴喷头一般,水流很小。 即使隔壁没有大声吵闹或者把电视开的声音很大,你也能听到他们的声音,还可以闻到从墙那边飘来的烟味。另外房间还有一点设计上的问题,楼梯和地板的建筑材料和颜色都是一样的,所以我发现一不小心就会踩空,所以下楼时一定要倍加小心啊,我差点就崴脚了。 不管怎么说这里位置还是很好的,离静安地铁站只有3分钟,出门就有好多商店和其他地方可逛。 总的来说,这种价钱在别处应该还可以住到更好一点的酒店。


2017-11-02 19:53:18




LOCATION of the hotel is perfect -placed in the modern, shopping area around Shanghai city centre, a very livable and cheering area with nice shops and facilities. Just around the corner there's Jingdan metro station with the main metro line (green one, n.2) bringing you directly to the city centre in 3 stops; there's also a bank at the ground-floor on the other side of the building. Hotel BUILDING is a new, modern, 24-storey structure, beatiful to look at on the outside and with a very nice modern style on the inside. 24h doorman at the entrance, provided with 3 lifts, magnetic cards to access the room and other services we didn't use. ROOM we chose was a small-apartment-like with all possible appliances you can think of (fridge, freezer, boiler, microwave, pottery, cutlery, washing machine, hairdrier, alarm clock, tv, satellite channels, dvd player, telephone, air-conditioning AND free internet access!) all included in the price. A small kitchen by the entrance, a nice living room with table, chairs, sofa and desk, a wide and comfortable double bed and a reasonable bathroom. The majestic wall-size window made the whole room look like a penthouse! Moreover we were totally amazed to see that the CLEANING lady was coming everyday and washing up also the dirty dishes we used to cook, replenishing the coffee bags, the tea bags and the bottles of water that we found for us in the apartment EVERYDAY! STAFF was local but could speak a good English (and there are few in Shanghai that are able to), plus they were friendly and helpful. PRICE... well, even before going there we though the price was quite cheap (55 € / night!!!) -after seeing all that comes along with it... it's ridicolously cheap!! Before arrival we were a bit worried that it is not exactly a "hotel" but more a group of apartments put togehter -well, there's no real difference actually. The reception was most of the time deserted, but when you have ALL you need in the room, why would you need a reception? Great under all points of view! Highly recommended.


2016-12-31 18:25:53






2017-03-06 07:00:02




上海に不慣れだった頃に泊まったサービスアパートメントで、立地が便利で安かったので選びました。 エレベータを上がり、鍵を事務所のような場所で受け取ります。 清潔感は最低限という感じで、スモーキングにしたせいか開けた時に煙草臭さが気になりました。 旅慣れた人、もしくは清潔感等神経質でない方にはご提案できますが、自分的にはもう一度泊まりたいとは思えず。 長期的に上海へ居る方には立地や価格の面で最適かと思います。


2018-08-27 19:55:24






2016-12-15 22:16:09




Very good location. Five minutes walk (or less) to Jing An station on underground train line #2. From there, I took connecting train to Shanghai Train Station, Hong Qiao Train Station and also Hong Qiao Airport. Around the Jing An area there are many local and western eateries. I haven't found a grocery supermarket but I bumped into overseas travelers in this service apartment who came into the lift with some groceries. I supposed that can't be too far away. The room is basically clean. Internet connection was good. Plenty of DVDs collection for spending a night in. I like the neighborhood too coz it's not too commercialized and the old trees lining up along the road made it felt very old-Shanghai. I certainly recommend this place.


2017-01-26 10:24:05




酒店的位置很完美 - 坐落在上海市中心旁边的时尚购物区,那是个非常热闹,非常迷人的地方,有很多漂亮的商店和设施。街角就是静安寺地铁站和主要的地铁线(绿色的,2号线),三站就到市中心。大厦另一边的一楼还有一个银行。 酒店的大厦是一个新的,时尚的24层建筑,从外面看很漂亮,里面是非常漂亮的现代风格。门口24小时都有行李员,有3部电梯,用磁卡进入房间,其他服务我们没用。 我们选的房间是一个小公寓式的房间,有你能想到的所有东西(冰箱,冷冻箱,热水壶,微波炉,陶瓷罐,餐具,洗衣机,吹风机,闹钟,电视,卫星频道,DVD播放器,电话,空调,还有免费的网络接口!),全都包含在放飞了。 门口有个小厨房,漂亮的带桌子,椅子,沙发和办公桌的客厅,宽敞舒服的双人床和一个大小合适的卫生间。跟墙一样大的窗户让整个房间看起来像顶层公寓! 另外,每天都来打扫的女士也让我们很吃惊,她还给我们清洗我们用来做饭的餐具,每天都会换咖啡包,茶包和后来我们发现时为我们准备的瓶装水! 员工是本地人,但是能讲流利的英语(在上海,很多人都会说英语),而且他们非常友好,乐于助人。 价格...好吧,我们甚至在去那里之前就觉得价格非常便宜了(55美金/晚!!!) - 看过房间里所有的这些东西以后...这里便宜得太不可思议了!! 到达这里之前我们有点担心这里不是严格意义上的“酒店”,而是把很多公寓放在一起 - 不过,事实上这并没有什么不同。大多数时候前台都没有人,不过既然你房间里什么都有了,还需要前台干吗呢? 这里真是太赞了!强烈推荐。


2017-01-13 14:22:57




Was looking for somewhere to stay in Shanghai for six months so tried out the World Union for a month. Asked for a penthouse apartment with mezzanine floors. Booked it, but when I got there, they said I would get the100 sqm aparrment not the 130 sqm apartment as advertised (very Chines). Reception is this small messy area on the 13th floor, where the staff member turns up dreary eyed after you press the bell (very Chinese). Now for the apartment proper.... The living room and kitchen area was okay. Bad chinese furniture (i.e. looks good in the photos, but is actually badly made). Chairs too small and too low. Side tables too low and oddly spaced out. Internet connection took ages to hook up to and there is a massive 20 metre cable you need to pull out of the fusebox type connection box and plug your PC into. Kitchen area is small with a couple of hobs and a microwave. Downstairs toilet was acceptable (why they have one is bizarre as there is a full bathroom upstairs). Views were okay but mainly looking at construction sites. Air conditioing wasn't really powerful enough to make a difference (very Chinese). Sofas were comfy though. Living room came equipped with modern Chinese TV and DVD player. Metal / wood staircase to mezzanine floor, little wobbly and part of it had been repaired which made it a bit scary climbing. Upstairs small bed with thin hard matress with thin duvet and two small flat pillows. Floors very creaky. TV is modern. Air conditioning again makes very little difference. Ceiling above the bed is very low indeed. You cannot stand fully in that area, even from the floor. Upstairs bathroom is pretty awful. Little dark and dingy and musty smell about the place. Walk-in shower was cold water only. Sink was broken and was hot water only - the tap was so loose it came off. No sink plug but a wire mesh (presume to keep the creepy crawlies out), overhead shower in bath was okay but trickly. Also, can hear people next door even though they are clearly not shouting or watching TV loudly. Could also smell the smoke wafting through the walls. Further slight design problem is that the stirs are made of the same material and the same colour as the floor, so its really easy to miss a step as I found - just be very very careful when going down the stairs, I almost twisted my ankle. Location however is excellent - 3 minute walk to Jing An station. Loads of shops and stuff on your doorstep. Overall, for the price, can do better elsewhere.


2017-01-29 08:18:00




アパートメントタイプの場合、アメニティがないことも多いが、ここは、バスグッズやフルーツやスウィーツなどが用意されていました。 場所がわかりづらいのが難点です。私は深夜だったので空港からタクシーで向かいましたが、少しドライバーも迷っていました。 その後迷わずに行けるドライバーもいましたが。 立地が理解できれば、近い地下鉄駅の使用も可能。帰りは空港まで地下鉄で移動しました。


2016-12-25 14:57:44




A functional apartment near to metro station and upmarket shopping area in Shanghai. Daily housekeeping without meals. Highfloor with some view of the city. For the price you pay it is well worth the money and budget stay in Shanghai. Most imporatant you have free wired highspeed internet through LAN.


2017-02-14 08:10:42




Although I normally wouldn't have even known about this hotel or considered one so far down the list on TripAdvisor, the language school where my daughter was studying recommended it and it turned out to be a good option. I may not recommend it for a short term stay but if you want a convenient place to park yourself for a month or two while studying or doing business that requires you to stay in Shanghai for awhile, I think it is a good option and I probably would stay here again for that. The location is super convenient to everything. The staff on the 13th floor takes care of your needs, taxis, translations etc and the women who service the apartment every other day wash any dishes that are in your sink and also do your laundry for you on a washer in the bathroom. I do want to comment on the state of the rooms as they have been mentioned frequently. They are definitely tired and yes, in need of renovation. There was indeed some paint peeling on the ceiling and the plumbing leaked on occasion. If I were in a hotel I wouldnt stand for it. But in general all systems were adequate and my room was always clean and this was more like your own apartment with cooking facilities and someone to clean it for you. There is also free internet access and inexpensive food options directly outside. Tip 1- if you are staying for the month you should ask for the monthly rate that is about 30% less than the lowest published nightly rate. You need to pay for utilities separately if you do that but it still represented a good net savings. . Tip 2 - I usually went to a luxury hotel like the Puli, Ritz or Marriott for a glass of wine when I felt the need for a respite from the "functionality" of this hotel. Never order coffee at one of them - for some reason it costs more than a beer or glass of wine in china.


2016-12-11 07:40:00






2017-01-19 20:47:19