酒店就是一个妓院,晚上11点钟我睡的正香的时候,居然有鸡直接打电话上来问我是否需要服务?一个所谓的5星级酒店居然没有任何的电话过滤,质问这家酒店的经理,他的回答居然是他们的按摩女是承包给别人的,他们无法控制!!! 如果你够勇敢,欢迎入住这家五星级妓院!! The hotel is a whore house, a call at 23:00 from a whore awaked me & asked if i need service, i questioned the manager why a five star hotel allowed a pro to call the client directly, he answer the hotel contracted the message center to someone else and it is out of their control, this is the most funny thing i have ever experienced. So if you are brave enough, welcome to stay in this five star whore house.
2017-03-02 11:39:30